What if…
online newspapers were no longer exclusively dependent on the placement of advertisements but rather would benefit from the crypto hype?
Online advertising is so annoying for Internet users that many of them resort to advertising blockers. But especially providers of journalistic content depend on advertising revenues to guarantee the quality of their news and the fair payment of their journalists. What could an alternative look like that does not include familiar financing models such as micro-payment, subscription and advertising?
In order to overcome the conflict of interest between news providers and consumers, an incentive must be created that is interesting and lucrative for both sides. Such a compromise could be the currently attractive crypto currencies. Instead of facing advertising blocks and paywalls, readers could actively choose to use their own CPU power as a means of payment. A publisher could therefore "mine" crypto currencies. Users could benefit from discounted or free content or a share of the mining revenue, while a publisher could influence the time readers spend on its own news page with interesting content.